Karanlık Su
Black Water

Karanlık Su

Aksiyon || Gerilim ||

Film CIA tarafından bir denizaltıda hapsedilen talihsiz bir ajanın bu ceza evinden çıkmak ve kötü adamlardan kurtulmak için mücadelesine odaklanıyor..

Black Water

Benzer Filmler

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 A History of Violence 英雄 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Beverly Hills Cop II Gladiator Scarface The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 卧虎藏龍 48 Hrs. 28 Days Later Blown Away Saw III Syriana Natural Born Killers 座頭市 I Kina spiser de hunde Kill the Messenger


Jean-Claude Van Damme Dolph Lundgren Patrick Kilpatrick Al Sapienza Jasmine Waltz Kris Van Damme Courtney Blythe Turk Aleksander Vayshelboym Cathal Pendred Aaron O'Connell Tom Glynn Ian Niles John Posey Tom DeNucci Tahj Vaughans Lance E. Nichols Vanessa Motta Brett Murray Adrian Lockett Dale Liner R. Matthew Scheib James P. Bennett Slim Khezri