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National Geographic: The Volga Third Eye Spies 20,000 Days on Earth Ukonvaaja De Outro Sítio What the #$*! Do We (K)now!? Barbarossa: Hitler Turns East Baci rubati: amori omosessuali nell'Italia fascista Plastic Galaxy: The Story of Star Wars Toys The World's Biggest Bomb Revealed Audrey Life Itself Le Studio de la Terreur Afgan: The Soviet Experience Beyond the Brick: A LEGO® Brickumentary Las locuras de don Quijote Disaster at Chernobyl


Kiur Aarma Jaak Kilmi Alo Kõrve Jaan Tootsen Liina Vahtrik Eduard Toman David Hasselhoff Леонид Брежнев Михаил Горбачёв Ronald Reagan Teija Sopanen Urho Kekkonen Yuri Andropov Arnold Rüütel