

Dram || Romantik ||

Dreyer'ın son filmi, aşkı gerçek olarak hayatının merkezine koymuş ve bu hususta hiç taviz vermeyen Gertrud'u anlatıyor.


Benzer Filmler

The Jazz Singer The Gold Rush The Phantom of the Opera Paths of Glory Tabu: A Story of the South Seas Irréversible The Philadelphia Story The Manchurian Candidate Зеркало El laberinto del fauno Touch of Evil I cannibali Chicago Rope The Illusionist 滿城盡帶黃金甲 Singapore Sling: Ο άνθρωπος που αγάπησε ένα πτώμα Laut Tengah Trois couleurs : Blanc Match Point


Nina Pens Rode Bendt Rothe Ebbe Rode Baard Owe Axel Strøbye Karl Gustav Ahlefeldt Vera Gebuhr Lars Knutzon Edouard Mielche Valsø Holm