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I Am Legend

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Bir virüs, insan ırkını kana susamış mutantlara çevirir. Uygarlığın son umudu, virüsten etkilenmeyen tek kişi olan bilim adamı Robert Neville'dir.

I Am Legend

Benzer Filmler

Transamerica The Horse Whisperer Basquiat Fight Club The Poseidon Adventure Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 Secret Beyond the Door Die Hard Starship Troopers Das Experiment To Die For Dances with Wolves The Hours The Da Vinci Code Солярис The Terminal To Kill a Mockingbird The Grapes of Wrath Full Metal Jacket


Will Smith Alice Braga Charlie Tahan Dash Mihok Salli Richardson-Whitfield Willow Smith Emma Thompson Darrell Foster Joanna Numata Marin Ireland Alexander DiPersia April Grace James McCauley Abraham Sparrow Pat Fraley Caitlin McHugh Mike Patton Vince Cupone John Grady Marc Inniss Reed Kelly Drew Leary Courtney Munch Kimberly Shannon Murphy Okwui Okpokwasili Victor Paguia Paradox Pollack Mark Steger Greg Wattkis Raul Torres