Çılgın Savaşcılar
Kelly's Heroes

Çılgın Savaşcılar

Macera || Komedi || Savaş ||

2. Dünya Savaşı’nda Teğmen Kelly, düşman saflarının öte tarafındaki bir Alman bankasında 16 milyon dolarlık altın külçelerinin yattığını öğrenir...

Kelly's Heroes

Benzer Filmler

Pearl Harbor The Man with the Golden Gun A Time of Destiny Beyond Valkyrie: Dawn of the 4th Reich Point Man Ostře sledované vlaky Nuit et Brouillard Austin Powers in Goldmember The Bridge on the River Kwai Enemy at the Gates Saving Private Ryan Die Blechtrommel Persian Lessons Omaha Beach: Honor and Sacrifice Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Atunci i-am condamnat pe toți la moarte Alexander Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes Indigènes


Clint Eastwood Telly Savalas Don Rickles Carroll O'Connor Donald Sutherland Gavin MacLeod Hal Buckley Stuart Margolin Jeff Morris Richard Davalos Perry Lopez Tom Troupe Harry Dean Stanton Dick Balduzzi Len Lesser David Hurst Dee Pollock George Savalas John G. Heller Ross Elliott Sandy McPeak Tom Signorelli Donald Waugh John Landis Joe Mantell