Mandela and de Klerk
Mandela and de Klerk

Mandela and de Klerk

Dram || Tarih || TV film ||

Benzer Filmler

Catch a Fire Moffie Sarafina! Krotoa Invictus Leading Lady Remember the Titans Inxeba Untamed In My Country Endgame Duma Zulu Red Dust Breaker Morant The Power of One Yesterday Gandhi 2 oder 3 Dinge, die ich von ihm weiß Goodbye Bafana


Sidney Poitier Michael Caine Tina Lifford Ian Roberts Ben Kruger Jerry Mofokeng André Jacobs Tertius Meintjes John Carson Farouk Valley-Omar Terry Norton Moshidi Motshegwa Jonathan Pienaar Tshamano Sebe Desmond Tutu