Büyük Falso

Büyük Falso

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Bir steroit satıcısı, lisanssız bir yaşlanma karşıtı uzmanıyken beyzbol tarihindeki en büyük skandalın öncüsü haline gelişinin hikâyesini anlatıyor.


Benzer Filmler

The Battered Bastards of Baseball The Motor City Slice Time in the Minors No No: A Dockumentary When New York Was One: The Yankees, the Mets & The 2000 Subway Series Facing Nolan Shot Heard 'Round the World Almost Perfect: The 99th Pitch Seaver Doped: The Dirty Side of Sports 그라운드의 이방인 Brothers in Exile It Ain't Over The 1995 Mariners: Saving Baseball In Seattle Eight Men Out Icarus Gift of the Game Under The Grapefruit Tree: The CC Sabathia Story


Bryan Blanco Frankie Diaz Jonathan Blanco Jake Alexander Martin Ian Mackles Blake McCall Nicholas Ryan Hernandez Jordan Clark Martín Fajardo Blake McLennan