Deli Doktor
The Couch Trip

Deli Doktor

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Bir radyo programında son derece kaçık bir akıl hastanesi müdavimi kendisini 'kafa doktoru' olarak tanıtınca, olanlar olur.

The Couch Trip

Benzer Filmler

Almost You Deconstructing Harry Human Nature Transamerica Melvin Goes to Dinner Bunny and the Bull When Do We Eat? Dirty Country Dirty Laundry More Sex & Violence Nothing Man About Town Alice Sweet and Lowdown Straight to Hell Pumpkin Little Voice C.R.A.Z.Y. Sleeper Driving Me Crazy


Dan Aykroyd Walter Matthau Charles Grodin Donna Dixon Richard Romanus Mary Gross David Clennon Arye Gross Victoria Jackson Michael DeLorenzo Mickey Jones J.E. Freeman David Wohl Michael Ensign Carol Mansell Charles Levin Scott Thomson Donna Mitchell Linda Favila Beverly Archer Gloria Dorson Jerry Belson Susan Kellermann Don Stark Jan Cobler Robert Dawson Michael Gregory John Mahon John D. LeMay Tino Insana Chevy Chase