Kartal Yuvası
Where Eagles Dare

Kartal Yuvası

Aksiyon || Macera || Savaş ||

Bir kış gecesi, 7 erkek ve bir kadın komando, Almanya’da yüksek bir tepeye inerler. Amaçları; erişilemez denilen Gestapo’nun merkezine ulaşmaktır. Görevleri ise, Amerikan generali Nazilerin elinden kurtarmaktır.

Where Eagles Dare

Benzer Filmler

Apocalypse Now Raiders of the Lost Ark Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Predator The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King All Quiet on the Western Front 卧虎藏龍 Back to the Future Part II Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Blown Away The Good German Back to the Future Part III To Be or Not to Be Hotel Rwanda North by Northwest Live and Let Die Blood Red Sky Ronja Rövardotter


Richard Burton Clint Eastwood Mary Ure Patrick Wymark Michael Hordern Donald Houston Peter Barkworth William Squire Robert Beatty Neil McCarthy Vincent Ball Anton Diffring Ferdy Mayne Derren Nesbitt Ingrid Pitt Guy Deghy Philip Stone Del Baker Max Faulkner John G. Heller Ian McCulloch Derek Newark Jim Brady Anton Rodgers Ernst Walder Roy Beck Frank Henson