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Film, Oscar Wilde'nin homoseksüel yaşamını anlatıyor...


Benzer Filmler

Gandhi Moulin Rouge! 花樣年華 2046 Finding Neverland The Color Purple 1:54 湘女萧萧 James Joyce's Women 썸모어 I Still Believe Dandilicious En ballotage Love Is Strange Je ne suis pas là pour être aimé The Man with the Golden Arm Blackmail Transamerica Basquiat Das Experiment


Stephen Fry Jude Law Vanessa Redgrave Jennifer Ehle Gemma Jones Judy Parfitt Michael Sheen Zoë Wanamaker Tom Wilkinson Ioan Gruffudd Orlando Bloom James D'Arcy Andrew Havill Jamie Lee Peter Barkworth Adam Garcia Joseph May Orlando Wells Robert Lang David Westhead Benedict Sandiford Mark Letheren Robin Kermode Avril Elgar Bridget Hodson Michael Simkins Albert Welling Richard Cubison Peter Forbes Arthur Whybrow Hywel Simons